Saturday morning I had the privilege of spending
time with my three-year-old nephew, Finn.
Finn and I headed off to the “train store” which is really our local
Barnes & Noble. For a good hour I watched him play with the trains, play
with the Legos, listen to a story and look at books. He's a really independent
little guy. He has an unbelievable spirit. He talks to everyone and he is quick
to introduce himself. He kept up a running chatter the entire time were
together, narrating and commenting on everything around us.
As I sat and watched him, I thought about all
the things are going on today in education and how sometimes I am so upset I
feel like I'm screaming inside my head. I thought about how I'm so angry at
what's happening. I thought about why. And I thought about my own kids. I thought
about what is happening to them in this age of “reformy” education.
My son is almost17. He will be out of high
school in a year and for the most part, he will have escaped Common Core. He
will get out just in time, although he is not unscathed. For you see he grew up
during NCLB, which means that over the years the curriculum has become narrower
and narrower due to the regulations, initiatives and budget cuts. Throughout
his entire educational experience, the focus has been on ELA and Math and, as a
result, he doesn't really see much beyond that. We talk about college but he
doesn't see there is nobility and success in learning a trade. In reality, he has not been exposed to
anything other than reading and writing and math. Sure, there's some history
and science in there but everything involves reading and writing. Even his gym
class and his art classes have involved reading and writing. And while that's
not a bad thing, in some ways it hasn't been a good thing either.
My daughter is 13. Because I am so enraged what
is happening in education, my response has been to remove her from public
school and register her for private school in the Fall. I am hoping the private
school experience will help mitigate some of the effects of common core. There's nothing like a group of nuns to ensure
excellence in education I guess. At least I hope so. However, her educational
experience is even narrower than her brother’s as she is just that much
younger. With the focus so heavily on non-fiction and on “rigor”, there is less
opportunity for her to be as creative as she is naturally. You see, my daughter is a poet, she's an
artist and she expresses herself in ways that do not play well on standardized
tests or really any tests for that matter. My daughter has a different way of
looking at the world. She is not a kid who
performs well on tests although she is super smart and gets good grades. She
works hard and I hate to see what common core is doing to her. It's going to suck the love of learning out of
her and that is so sad.
So, back to this morning, sitting and playing
trains with my nephew. Finn personalizes this fight for better education for
me. Because he is three, if Common Core is allowed to continue he will be the
one who is most affected by it. He makes this personal for me. Finn has a
spirit like no other kid I've seen and common core will make his educational
experience at best, boring for him. At worst, it will make it painful. Finn is
not the kind of child who will be able to deal with the rigor of Common Core
(read: sit silently and do worksheets). Finn is a boy. He's ALL boy. Finn experiences
the world physically. He likes to dance
his way through his day. Finn will not do well with common core. It will take his
learning down to such a narrow scope that it saddens me. It is for Finn that I
fight. It is for Finn that I want to see education be developmentally appropriate
and creative and diverse. It is for Finn, that I don’t want education to be
common. It is for Finn that I want to
see the world be a better place. Because no one should have creativity stifled
or their spirit quelled. No one should have to do an art project and then write
an essay about it. No child should have
to read an essay with no background knowledge and then try to figure it out
what it means. No eight-year-old should have to sit for 90 minutes at a time
doing a test that means nothing to him or her. No six-year-old should have to
practice filling in bubbles. No 13-year-old should have to read the same
literature passage over and over and over again line-by-line for no reason.
That's not reading. That's not writing. That's not learning. I'm sure that
everyone has a little Finn in their life or at least I hope they do. And for
that reason alone everyone should get educated about what's going on, get
informed and start fighting back. Americans are complacent in a lot of ways. We
have short attention spans and the news cycle is very short. We believe a lot
of what we read and a lot of what we see. And we don't stand up, at least not
for long. But we can't afford to be complacent here, as the so-called “reformers”
are counting on that. They are counting on the fact that we will get bored or
that we won't inform ourselves and we won't keep up the fight long enough. They
think we are going to get bored and go away. Guess what? I'm not going away, I'm not going to stop
fighting. I'm not going to back down. I’m staying strong. For Finn.
Along with the curriculum getting narrower I also feel our rights as parents are being narrowed at the same ridiculous rate. How did this happen that we are being slam dunked a mediocre to flat out lousy bunch of gibberish that's nothing but an overt money grab?